
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

pg_copy_to 将一个表拷贝到数组中


pg_copy_to ( resource $connection , string $table_name , string $delimiter = ? , string $null_as = ? ) : array

pg_copy_to() 将一个表拷贝到数组中,该数组作为结果返回。它在内部使用了 COPY FROM SQL 命令来插入记录,并返回结果数组。如果失败则返回 false

参见 pg_copy_from()

User Contributed Notes

John M 12-Aug-2020 05:41
Worth noting here that just like the COPY TO statement in PostgreSQL, '$table_name' can include a list of columns or be a select query as well.
$rows = pg_copy_to($db,'schema."TableName" (column1, column2, ...)';
$rows = pg_copy_to($db,'(SELECT ...)');
etiger13 at gmail dot com 17-Nov-2009 11:14
You cannot specify the schema name in this command. You can change the search path for just one query by using the following code:

($conn, "SET search_path TO myschema;");
$copy_to = pg_copy_to($conn, 'tablename');
pg_query("RESET search_path;");
setantae at submonkey dot net 27-Nov-2002 10:50
"It issues COPY TO SQL command internally to insert records"

I suspect this statement is incorrect, or that s/insert/retrieve/ is appropriate.
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