所支持的套接字传输器(Socket Transports)列表

Table of Contents

以下是 PHP 内置用于基于流的套接字函数例如 fsockopen()stream_socket_client()的各种 URL 风格的套接字传输器。这些传输器 不适用Sockets 扩展库

要得到自己的 PHP 版本中所安装的传输器列表,使用 stream_get_transports()

User Contributed Notes

alefinvest at outlook dot com 06-Aug-2021 06:47
That was hard to fetch this page mentioned in note by other user long time ago.
I intended to read Appendix P to find some code examples.
Wondering how to implement custom transport extension for php on our server tto be used with some nowadays technologies research.
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